This is the blog for Jeff Barnett-Winsby's Photo 1


This is where we will list due dates, assignments, and post points of interest. Please feel free to follow this!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Assignment for Monday 2/05/09

Hi all! Thanks for understanding my absence and a big thank you to Matthew!!!

Ok here is the assignment for your reference. Please shoot three sets of three images demonstrating shutter speed, and three sets of three images demonstrating depth of field.

Please process these images, put them in your negative sleeves and bring them to class next week.

See you soon!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

First Assignment

HI all, hope all is going well so far...

If you are having trouble loading film or whatever, please do reach out to me and I will meet up with you. 401 663 9663

Ok so if you remember:
The assignment is to shoot the alphabet. You will complete 3 rolls of film which will contain three images of each "letter." The first should be the meter zeroed, the next with one additional stop of light added and the next with one more stop of light added.

Any other questions, let me know. BTW you need to bring everything on that list to class on thursday including your kit.
(the only exception is your paper)

Two other things that you might want to bring are dish washing gloves (for chemical handling) and possibly an apron. Developer stains so if you are avoiding those two things just don't wear clothes you care a whole lot about.
